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Why Earn an MBA in International Business?

Tariffs on Chinese goods, international cryptocurrencies, Brexit and the Apple/Samsung legal battle are all recent issues of global concern. International business is at the heart of each of these stories.

In fact, international business is a predominant aspect of our everyday lives. The goods we purchase, the food we consume and the trade deals that underlie our lives as consumers are all driven by global macroeconomic and microeconomic forces that must be understood and harnessed in order for companies to succeed. There is no longer the option for businesses of substantial size to focus exclusively on the domestic market; nearly all businesses now require leaders with training and expertise for doing business around the globe.

Prepare for Management Roles in Global Organizations

The Master of Business Administration in International Business online at Pittsburg State University prepares students for management roles within businesses around the globe. This accelerated program, which can be completed in as few as 12 months, offers a broad base of business knowledge sought by today’s multinational corporations. This includes analytical and management skills, a thorough understanding of international trade and finance, and valuable insights regarding the importance of emerging markets in a global economy. Management-control systems, quantitative business analysis, leadership issues, strategic management, consumer analytics and quality control tools are also emphasized throughout the curriculum.

Bring the Expertise International Businesses Need to Thrive

These subject areas provide future international business leaders with a solid understanding of globalization and its effects on developed and developing countries. They provide a foundation of knowledge in implementing management control systems and in financial strategy, marketing analysis, leadership and team-building. These are areas of expertise that are scarce but essential in today’s leaders. Expected knowledge gaps in international business are only expected to widen in the coming years. As a prospective student, you can be confident that your investment in an MBA with an international business specialization will provide you with the knowledge and skills in highest demand. The Kelce College of Business at Pittsburg State University is accredited by AACSB International, which highlights the pertinence of this program to your career objectives and to your future employers.

Become a Player on the Global Trade Stage

Global trade is growing rapidly, with trade in merchandise and commercial services nearly doubling from 2005 to 2015. Living in the U.S. — the world’s economic superpower — you have advantages and opportunities that are the envy of the rest of the world. Because the U.S. exports to markets around the world, American companies benefit from substantial foreign investments. As the global economy expands, this leads to a rising scale of output for countries that benefit from global investment and global purchasing of its products and services, which continues to lower production costs. As our costs go down, the value of our exports rises relative to other economies, making our economy even stronger.

International business is a powerful engine of growth for the U.S. economy. More than 95 percent of global consumers are beyond our borders. You — the potential International Business MBA student — stand on the threshold of taking the world’s largest economy and the great companies that drive it into a very promising future.

Learn more about Pitt State’s online MBA in International Business program.


U.S. News & World Report: Online International MBA: An Overview

WTO: World Trade Statistical Review – 2016Forbes: About That 95% of Consumers Who Live Outside the U.S.

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