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A Look at Emerging Markets

Emerging markets make up about 80% of the global economy, and they include some of the largest countries in the world, including Russia and China. Developing countries have what is called an emerging market economy, and it typically moves toward mixed or free markets with a focus on increasing production, developing regulatory bodies and agencies, establishing exchanges, and building increasingly sophisticated markets.

These markets are often vulnerable to swings in commodities or other currencies. They generally have lower industrial production compared to advanced economies and, unlike developed countries such as the United States, possess immature capital markets that could create risks to investors. Emerging market financial systems tend to have lower per capita income than that of developed countries, liquidity in equity markets, and accelerated growth, according to Kiplinger contributor Charles Lewis Sizemore.

Knowledge of International Markets: Don’t Leave Home Without It

Although there is no agreement on which countries currently qualify as emerging markets, several tend to make most lists, including China, India and Brazil. According to the Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Market Index, 24 developing countries qualify, including — Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, to name a few.

In today’s competitive global economy, anyone in business should have a thorough understanding of international markets and how they work. The online MBA in International Business at Pittsburg State University is focused on preparing students to be successful in the global marketplace. The Kelce College of Business is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and produces graduates who enjoy a career placement rate of nearly 90%.

Foundation for Success

Pittsburg State graduates have a strong foundation in business skills, analytical expertise, and international trade and finance — all of which prepare them for management roles in businesses worldwide. Graduates are well prepared to perform marketing analysis and to plan confidently. They also complete an experiential exercise in leadership and team-building.

Emerging economies are expected to grow two to three times faster than developed nations, according to International Fund estimates reported in Forbes. The increasing importance of these economies bodes well for those who have a high-quality education in global emerging markets and international business.

Emerging markets are economies that will grow larger in the future, and as a result will have more and more of an impact on global trade and economics. These markets currently play an important role in energizing global economic expansion.

As more and more companies enter foreign markets, the need for professionals with the education and expertise to be successful in a global business environment will continue to expand. Earning an MBA in international business from the online program at Pittsburg State University will prepare you to succeed in businesses worldwide.

Learn more about Pittsburg State University’s online MBA in International Business program

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