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The Evolution of International Business as an Academic Discipline

As the planet grows smaller due to technological advances and instant communication, the need increases for savvy professionals with a keen eye on the rapidly changing business world.

On one hand, globalization has forced consolidation of businesses and industries. On the other hand, abandoned trade treaties and tariff wars affect everything from supply chains and labor to the loss of billions of dollars in sales revenue for affected businesses.

Developing critical thinking and leadership skills is necessary to lead businesses through a maze of issues in this sea of change — thus the increasing popularity of MBA in international business online degree programs like the one at Pittsburg State University.

Advantages of an MBA in International Business

Knowing how to conduct business on the international level is a valuable commodity, and most large companies have a global presence. An MBA in international business prepares professionals for virtually any field, including management, finance, accounting, planning and others. lists several benefits achieved by obtaining an MBA in international business.

  • When it comes to developing new markets, what works at home may not work anywhere else. Finding new markets requires companies to hire employees who can critically analyze potential markets.
  • As more companies open offices overseas, they realize the way business is conducted there is completely different than at home. They need qualified employees to guide them as they learn the customs and processes of working in foreign lands.
  • Specialized knowledge is required as companies search the globe to source products and services at lower prices. Or they may want to widen their market by exporting products they manufacture.
  • Obtaining an MBA in international business opens the door to be paid for travel and living anywhere in the world.
  • Many with MBA degrees in international business have the opportunity to experience completely new cultures.

Career Opportunities

An international business MBA graduate may find a job in management, finance and consulting, as well as careers in the travel and hospitality industry. According to, job titles and median salary figures for those holding the degree include:

  • Business development director: $143,933
  • Marketing director: $100,795
  • Business development director: $91,000
  • Marketing manager: $80,000
  • Project manager: $76,505
  • International sales manager: $70,000

MBA degrees in international business are becoming more popular in universities across the country as businesses, as well as state and federal governments, seek employees who are knowledgeable in global trends as they pertain to financial markets and consumer purchasing.

The online MBA in International Business at Pittsburg State University offers candidates foundational knowledge on implementing management control systems as well as strategies dealing with financial planning, capital budgeting and cost of capital. Students gain an understanding of globalization and its effects on developing countries and knowledge of how to perform market planning and analysis.

Learn more about Pitt State’s online MBA in International Business program.

Sources: 7 Benefits of Obtaining an MBA in International Business What Can I Do With an MBA in International Business?

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