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How HR Leaders Are Using AI

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) aims to solve complex problems that have been historically handled by individuals or teams of problem-solvers. Mimicking human thought processes, today’s computers — or machines — are able to complete tasks such as reasoning, problem-solving and even language processing. Two leading AI technologies reshaping business decisions around the globe are machine learning and deep learning.

Machine learning: This branch of AI enables machines to find patterns in large sets of data. The aim of machine learning is to use that information to make predictions with real-world application. Algorithms are uniquely suited to learn from recorded data without the need for human oversight. Machine learning algorithms define goals but allow the software to develop the steps required to arrive at the desired outcome.

Deep learning: This branch of AI uses neural network architecture to self-learn from large sets of data. By mimicking the human mind’s ability to break down input and data into layers of abstraction, these computers are able to self-learn while finding patterns that humans would otherwise be unable to unlock.

Applications of AI in HR

A wide range of organizations are beginning to use AI. In the field of human resources, AI is already aiding in:

  • Eliminating human bias: Gender and racial discrimination when hiring is not only unethical, it is illegal. Companies that engage in such practices are potential targets of discrimination lawsuits. AI eliminates bias and stereotypes by focusing on key qualifications, work experience and other pertinent information. By allowing the software to determine which candidate is the most qualified, AI can help HR identify candidates who are a better fit while improving workplace diversity.
  • Freeing up human capital: Sifting through resumes, applications and other paperwork can be a time waster for HR pros. In fact, these tasks are often considered among the most time-consuming for HR departments. Human capital could be better spent interviewing applicants in person or cultivating a talent pipeline.
  • Performing image and speech recognition: Tasks that require identifying faces and individual voices are better performed by AI technologies. Identifying callers based on their voice characteristics before transferring a phone call is one such application.
  • Automating routine tasks: As natural language processing becomes further refined, AI capability will revolutionize certain online HR services through automation using chatbots, for instance.
  • Providing recommendations for staff development: HR staff are often tasked with counseling employees. Identifying the advanced certifications or degrees that staff members need can be performed by AI programs. This would leave HR professionals with more time for responsibilities that require a personal touch.

Benefits of Using AI in HR

AI offers opportunities for HR departments to reallocate resources. With AI programs capable of handling tasks traditionally performed by HR professionals, businesses can decide how best to redirect the skills of HR members.

HR departments may face an identity crisis as bots and online programs take over some of the traditional tasks. At their core, however, HR departments serve the individuals who constitute a company’s workforce. AI offers many opportunities for HR departments to improve and refine how they fulfill that role. One obvious area where these improvements can impact a company’s future is with hiring. AI programs can evaluate new hires in an objective and more insightful manner than recruiters may be capable of. Companies that proactively adopt AI tools can benefit from the significant, positive changes of the new technologies.

By identifying the potential of current employees, AI programs can help business leaders promote from within based on employee merit. AI software applications also have the potential to determine which workers would benefit from advanced training or lateral moves within a company. Such applications may offer the greatest benefits for a company as AI insights help managers and executives discover the performance potential of all of its employees.

Pittsburg State University’s HR-focused online MBA program prepares graduates for leadership roles in human resources. Each accelerated course is taught by members of our esteemed faculty. Students can complete the online program in as few as 12 months.

Learn more about Pittsburg State University’s MBA in Human Resource Development online program.


Forbes: How AI is Transforming HR Departments

HRTechnologist: The Beginner’s Guide to AI in HR

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