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Grow as an HR Leader With an Online MBA

Tight labor markets, increased employee mobility and a new emphasis on employee experience position human resource departments to play a key role in how companies will evolve. HR departments want new hires who have the forward-looking skills to solve tomorrow’s problems. Pittsburg State University’s online Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Development builds on your experience while honing your decision-making skills and teaching new concepts in quantitative business analysis, marketing strategy, leadership management and other business-related topics.

Learn Key Leadership Skills

When upper management positions open, executives look to fill them with MBA degree holders because of the proven leadership results MBAs deliver. PSU’s online MBA strengthens leadership skills through several courses:

  • Business, Government and Society. Examine the importance of incorporating social responsibility and public policy analysis into strategic decision-making.
  • Leadership and Behavioral Management. Study organizational design, leadership and the unique interactions between individuals, groups and organizations.
  • Strategic Management. Assume the role of an executive and implement policy based on effective management strategy.
  • Personal Development in Business and Industry. Learn techniques for improving employee learning and performance.

An article in U.S. News & World Report described how one MBA grad furthered his career in HR. The courses, he said, taught him the tools to “bring in and keep” strong workers. Beyond learning leadership and managerial skills, an MBA can lead to better pay, greater job opportunities, better job stability and more active leadership roles.

Outlook for HR Leaders

Median pay for an HR manager in 2017 was $110,120, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. BLS notes that HR candidates with an MBA, especially those with an emphasis in HR management, should have excellent job prospects in the coming years, with job growth in the field expected to continue at 9 percent through 2026.

HR management is appealing to millennials, according to a survey by the Graduate Management Admission Council. The study found that 9 percent of millennials said they intend to study human resources in an MBA program.

The online MBA in HR Development at Pittsburg State University (PSU) is ideal for entry- and mid-level HR professionals who wish to further their leadership training and prepare for upper management positions. The AACSB-accredited program is taught by PSU faculty and can be completed in 12 months. Through the leadership-focused curriculum, students learn principals, functions, theories and roles associated with employee development and performance.

Several of the courses focus on leadership. Graduates are well positioned for promotions to HR generalist, operations VP, HR director and senior manager. The PSU MBA program is approaching a 90 percent job placement rate. If you’re ready to build off of your experience while learning key leadership skills, the online MBA in HR Development may be right for you.

Learn more about Pittsburg State University’s online MBA in Human Resource Development program.


US News & World Report: MBA Programs Help Students Become Leaders in Human Resources

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Human Resources Managers

GMAC: Prospective Students Survey Report

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