Demand for business professionals who bring well-developed critical-thinking, leadership and organizational skills to the workplace will continue growing as the business world becomes increasingly globalized and more competitive.
A U.S. News & World Report evaluation of job-market conditions found compensation, job growth forecasts and measurement of work-life balance places roles like marketing managers, management consultants and finance and business managers in the “hot jobs” category. Often times, these roles require professionals to hold an advanced business degree.
How Does a General MBA Increase Chances for a Raise or Promotion?
Top qualities employers look for when considering candidates for career advancement, according to LinkedIn, are leadership, communication and innovation skills; the willingness to acquire new knowledge; technical expertise and professional relationships with subject matter experts.
Graduates of an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) General program, such as the Professional program offered by Pittsburg State University, gain those skills and expertise through coursework in strategic management, leadership and behavioral management, quantitative business analytics and more.
“An MBA degree continues to be the stepping-stone that enables the dreams of many MBA applicants. It can lead to better career opportunities and a higher pay package,” according to E-GMAT.
How Does a General MBA Help When Changing Careers?
The course of study leading to a general MBA covers the leadership, analytics and management topics listed above. It also provides graduates with expertise and insights into finance, marketing and business interaction with government and society.
Professionals with such a broad, well-developed skill set across the spectrum of business operations are ready to explore new career paths.
Why Should Entrepreneurs Obtain an MBA?
Regardless of industry or professional focus, the leadership, capital formation, resource allocation and management skills learned in an online MBA program are vital to building a business. An advanced business degree can equip professionals with knowledge and hands-on practice in the various areas that leaders need including networking, finance, branding and sales.
“Handling resources properly and carefully assessing investments compared to ROI is a solid requirement for entrepreneurs,” according to Forbes.
How Does Earning an MBA Support Personal and Professional Growth?
In addition to building the expertise and technical knowledge to build a business or move up the corporate ladder, MBA students also learn soft skills that make them valuable in any business setting.
The degree helps them become effective time managers by practicing time management while balancing work, family responsibilities and course loads. A degree also helps them develop critical thinking, creative problem-solving and communication skills. Moreover, the breadth of MBA study expands graduates’ perspectives.
Developing these abilities gives graduates the confidence to face the challenges of any industry as well as all the versatility to move from one industry to another.
What Is a Hidden Value to Getting a General MBA?
People often say that it’s not what you know but who you know. An online MBA program develops both: knowledge and expertise that are in high demand as well as a network of business professionals in all industries including finance, human resources, marketing and data science.
“[A]lumni are often your most valuable asset as an MBA graduate. Alumni networks help you stay connected to the university and other graduates long after graduation,” according to Indeed.
What Career Tracks Are Open to General MBA Graduates?
The Pittsburg State University Professional MBA online program includes, among other topics, studies in the implementation of management control systems, financial strategies and marketing analysis and planning.
Those skills add up to an advantage for professionals — as well as job-seekers — pursuing advancement in roles in management, business development, finance and strategy.
Learn more about the Pittsburg State University online MBA General program.