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Get the Hard and Soft Skills Employers Look for With an Online MBA

Building a business career requires the right combination of hard and soft skills. According to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), employers list communication, data analysis and strategy as the most important skills for business. These three require a combination of people-focused and technical skills, but how can business school students ensure they are building the right blended skillset for success?

This article discusses the importance of developing the right combination of hard and soft skills and how the Pittsburg State University online Master of Business Administration (MBA) General program helps students develop the right proficiencies. The program’s online and accelerated format allow students to earn their degree in as few as 12 months and at their convenience.

What’s the Difference Between Soft and Hard Skills?

While hard and soft skills fall into two categories, they work hand-in-hand and are both vital for business success. Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities you need to complete the tasks required for a specific job. Many develop these abilities through education, training or work experience, and hard skills are usually specific to the area or field a professional works in. Some examples of hard skills include:

  • Programming: Writing code in languages like Python or Java
  • Accounting: Preparing financial statements and understanding taxes
  • Data analysis: Using software to analyze data
  • Foreign language: Reading, writing and speaking another language

Soft skills are personal traits that help people work well individually and with others. These are harder to measure and can be learned in different contexts, such as social, professional or community settings. Examples of soft skills include:

  • Communication: Expressing ideas clearly and listening to others
  • Teamwork: Working well with others
  • Problem-solving: Finding solutions to problems
  • Time management: Organizing tasks and managing time efficiently

A Blended Skill Set: What Employers Seek

To be successful in your career, business professionals need to develop a combination of hard and soft skills. Employers want people who can do a job well and also work with others and adapt to changes. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2024 survey, at least two-thirds of employers are looking for candidates with the skills in the following areas:

  • Written and verbal communication
  • Analytics and quantitative measurement
  • Flexibility/adaptability
  • Technical proficiency

This balance of people-focused and practical skills helps business professionals perform technical tasks while contributing to a good work environment that fosters collaboration and innovation. While life and professional experience help individuals develop this blend of skills, an advanced business degree is one significant way professionals develop a well-rounded skills repertoire.

Finding the Right MBA Program

When researching business school programs, look for those that offer a well-rounded curriculum and include both technical coursework and opportunities to develop interpersonal skills. A strong MBA program — like Pittsburg State University’s online MBA General program — offers the following:

  • Comprehensive curriculum: The ideal program provides a mix of technical courses and classes that promote soft skills. For example, Pittsburg State University’s online program offers consumer analytics and finance courses alongside leadership and communication courses.
  • Hands-on learning: Tangible, real-world skills are invaluable. Students in Pittsburg State University’s program complete an experiential exercise in leadership and team building. The program also offers a capstone course where students interact with their global MBA peers.
  • Team projects: Working on group projects helps develop teamwork and problem-solving skills. These projects simulate workplace scenarios and teach individuals how to collaborate effectively. Pittsburg State University’s program puts significant emphasis on collaboration and group work.
  • Extracurricular activities: Participating in clubs, organizations and events can improve soft skills. Pittsburg State University’s leadership courses — like Leadership and Behavioral Management — enhance students’ ability to manage and communicate with others.

All these elements contribute to an MBA degree’s value. However, the flexibility, online format and affordable tuition of Pittsburg State University’s program make it an especially ideal choice for developing in-demand hard and soft skills.

Preparing for Career Success

Pittsburg State University’s online MBA General program allows students to develop both the technical skills needed for the workforce and overall interpersonal skills to be the best team member. The program’s focus on a combination of both hard and soft skills means graduates are adaptable, versatile and ready to meet the demands of various professional environments.

Graduates of Pittsburg State University’s program possess the skills employers value most. This degree helps professionals improve their ability to adapt to different roles and industries, making sure they are prepared for a growing career. Take the next step in your career with Pittsburg State University’s online MBA program.

Learn more about Pittsburg State University’s online MBA General program.

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